08 June 2012

Buy a House with Good Feng Shui

Your surroundings such as location on a street, how the home is situated on the lot and how the home flows inside can have a significant impact on your life.  Feng Shui is a Chinese system of geomancy believed to use the laws of both Heaven (Chinese astronomy) and Earth to help one improve life by receiving positive qi (energy).   Here is a checklist of feng shui tips that create good energy.

1. Last House Number Digit.  A number 8 home will provide endless opportunities for wealth, health, advancement and happiness.  The number 9, being the greatest of single-digit numbers, was historically associated with the Emperor of China.  The Emperor’s robes often had nine dragons, and Chinese mythology held that the dragon has nine children.  Number 4 is considered very unlucky because it sounds like "death" in Chinese.

2. Front Door.  Do not obstruct the front door line of sight such as trees and light poles.  Avoid the door facing the front door of the house across the street or facing the fireplace inside your home.

3. Back Door.  The back door should not line up with the front door.  

4. Main Entry.  When you walk inside the home, the room should open up for energy to flow through.  Avoid long narrow entry ways into the living space.

5. Direction.  The front of the home should be facing North or South.  If the master bedroom directly faces the sunset, the room will be warmer in the evenings especially during those hot summer days.