29 June 2012

New Sod Care

1. One inch of water immediately after sod is laid.
2. Apply enough water daily to prevent the top one inch of soil from drying until sod is rooted to the soil
3. After that, apply one-fourth inch of water every third day for nine days.
4. Next apply one-half inch of water every fifth day for ten days.
5. After this establishment period, apply one inch of water per week for the rest of the growing season.

*There is no need to water if rainfall supplies the correct amount.

28 June 2012

Hydration and Fertilization

Your goal is for the lawn to receive enough water to keep the soil slightly moist in the upper six inches of soil.

Lawns do best when they are soaked once per week and then allowed to dry between waterings. This allows grass roots to breathe. In the heat of summer, applying one inch of water per week, in one application, is good. Watering more often is a waste of water and may harm your lawn grass.

In spring and early summer, irrigation is rarely needed. Remember: if the soil is moist, there is no need to irrigate.

The best time of day to water is during the early morning hours - around 3:00 - when the water pressure is highest. In addition, water will have a chance to soak down into the ground before evaporating, thus providing the most benefit for the lawn. And any water left on the lawn will be evaporated away in a timely manner when daylight arrives.

Mid-afternoon watering is probably the worst time to water, as far as efficient water use is concerned. Too much will evaporate away before it has a chance to soak down. You'll be using a lot of water, but won't be doing your lawn all that much good. Even though it may be very tempting to turn on the sprinkler during one of those scorching days, hold off on it.

Evening watering will permit the water to soak down just fine, but water will remain on the lawn way too long, which can invite fungus and diseases.

The first application of fertilizer to St. Augustine grass should be made in spring when the grass is 50% green OR when soil temperatures are above 65 degrees F.  Fertilize St. Augustine grass every six weeks thereafter until mid-September.  Do not fertilize after mid-September.

27 June 2012

The Art of Landscaping

Cutting your crass means that a blade has chopped the top portion of the grass off and there is now a small cut in the grass.  An open cut in the grass is like any open cut, even on a person.  If you leave the cut open, fungus and infection can get inside the cut.  The best way to keep your grass healthy is to cut it when water can not get in because water can serve as a breeding ground for infection.

Because the morning ground is dewy, it is important to let the ground dry completely before you mow the lawn.  Because dew can start to collect on the ground in the early evening if the weather is humid, it is also good not to cut it too close to sun set.  The best time to cut your grass is in late morning or early afternoon on a dry and sunny day, when the sun has dried up all of the water on the grass.

If you really get your grass nice and wet before the sun comes up, it will give your grass a nice long drink and time to get hydrated and then it will dry off any excess water with the sun.  Then, when you cut the grass, you will have ample time for the cut in the grass to heal up before the grass needs to be watered again.

1. Mow

Every lawn grass has a height at which it should be mowed for best health.  The rule is that only one-third of a grass plant should be removed in one mowing.  As an example, if you intend to mow your St. Augustine grass lawn at a 2 inch height, you can allow it to grow to 3 inches between mowings.  If you fertilize moderately, mowing a lawn should only be needed once per week.

St. Augustine grass lawns need to be cut at a height of 2 to 3 inches.  Rotary mowers can do a good job if your St. Augustine grass lawn is relatively smooth and you keep the blade sharp. Otherwise, a more expensive reel mower will be needed.  If you allow the grass to get much taller than 3 inches you’ll mow down into the stems that have grown tall and the lawn will not look its best after you mow.

The first step in good mowing is to have a sharp blade.  If the blade has not been sharpened in the past year, it needs to be sharpened or replaced.  Dull blades whip the grass ends rather than cutting the grass. The ragged ends left by a dull blade cause a lawn to look yellowish the day after you mow.  Ragged grass blades also lead to more water use by the grass and possibly an increase in disease.

In fall, let the grass go dormant without excessive mowing.  It will have a nice brown color during the winter. In mid March, mow off the top brown blades to expose the soil to the sun and warm the soil. 

It is not necessary to catch the clippings when you mow.  Research has shown that letting the clippings fall on the ground does not lead to disease or thatch problems.  The clippings actually return nitrogen to the soil and save you money on fertilizer.

2. Edge

Edging creates a straight border with another surface such as your driveway.  Organic matter builds up over time and windblown soil collects along the sidewalks, driveways and street curbs.  This build-up lets grass grow a few inches over the pavement.  An edger is a tool that is designed to cut between the pavement and lawn to remove the build-up. You don't need to edge every time you cut your grass. It depends on how clean you like the lines between the pavement and the grass. A few times a month may suffice. Edging is especially important in the spring.  It helps your lawn look it's best when it is emerging out of it's winter dormancy stage. 

3. Trim

Trimming cuts the grass in areas where the mower won't reach. Hold the machine level with the ground.  Go around all areas of turf that the mower could not cut including around the entire house, tree rings, planted beds, shed, patio, driveway and curbs.  Be careful when trimming around trees.

26 June 2012

Phase Two Pre-Drywall Inspection

Last Friday, I had the phase two framing inspection.  There were five items documented.
  • Less than 10’ separation between master bedroom air supply and air return vents.
  • Less than 10’ separation between living room air supply and return air vents.
My main concern is the air supply would return before the perimeter of the room is heated or cooled.  Ideally the air supply would been on the opposite side of the room.  The site supervisor will have the HVAC supervisor investigate and verify the design.
  • Fixed glass window is broken at side living room wall.
  • Steel straps loose and displaced at three truss web connections above left side of entry hallway ceiling.
Easy fixes.
  • Water heater combustion air vent tubes are drawing air from “vent-less” attic space – vents may be needed in closet exterior wall instead of ceiling.
Some new contruction has been done with so called ventless roof systems installed. This is where a contractor sprays an insulation product on the underside of the deck of the roof in between all the rafter spaces.

20 June 2012

2012 MAX Award Winners

Each year the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin honors its members at the prestigious Marketing Awards of Excellence (MAX) Awards gala.  The gala is the HBA's premier annual event for recognizing members of the HBA for achievements in new home building, remodeling, marketing and personal achievement during 2011.

HBA members submitted over 250 entries in dozens of categories for “Promotional Awards,” “Product Awards” and “Individual Awards.” Independent judges from outside of Austin who are leaders in the home building industry traveled to town last spring and selected the finalists.

This year's gala was held on Saturday, April 14, at The Oasis.  Winners included Chris Cheaney (Scott Felder Homes) for Construction Superintendent of the Year – Volume Builder and Cindy Salazar (Scott Felder Homes) for Design Center Consultant of the Year.


15 June 2012

Week Nine Electrical and Alarm Prewire

Week 9

Not much change on the exterior besides the pile of dirt and the stack of drywall in the garage.  Pre-drywall inspection is scheduled for next Friday.

Related Posts

New Home Construction
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Seven
Week Eight

Week Eight Roofing

13 June 2012

Phase One Footing Inspection

Prior to the concrete being poured, my inspector and I walked the entire land to examine the post-tension and rebar placement, footing depth, and plumbing.  It was great to be there and have the inspector explain and point out what they are doing and why they are doing it.  Terminmesh keeps termites from climbing into the house around pipes.  Rebar reinforcement is done on house corners.

The inspector only documented one fix for the footing depth on the right side of the garage but we collected trash in some areas.  One area had a small piece off wood that could potentially cause termite issues down the road.  The inspection lasted one hour.  The builder fixed the issue and went a step further by sending me video clips of the fix.

Week Seven Framing

Week 7

There is no picture for Week Six since I was out of town but you would seen the framing without the exterior drywall

Related Posts

New Home Construction
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five

12 June 2012

Week Five Concrete

Week Four Footings Inspection

Week Three Foundation

Week Two Sand and Gravel

Week One

Week 1

Final walk-through before construction beings

Related Posts

New Home Construction

New Home Construction Step by Step

Before construction beings, you will have a walk-through with the site supervisor and review all designs and documents.  This is a great time to ask the supervisor questions and concerns you may have.  I was told my home would take four months to build if there are no delays such as inclement weather, materials late or items missing, workers unavailable, etc.  Below I have listed a step by step guide to building a house and where your builder currently is when they provide you a status.  A few steps such as landscaping can be moved around but for the most part this is a good guide to follow.

Sand & Gravel
Plumbing, Heating and Electrical
Footings Inspection

Strip Foundation
Damp Proofing
Sewer & Water Hook-Ups
Backfilling & Grading
Slab or Skim Coat
Heating & Plumbing
Alarm Prewiring
Doors & Windows
Framing Inspection

Brick Work

Garage Door
Siding, Soffits & Gutters
Driveway & Garage Floor
Finishing Carpentry
Moulding Shops
Tile Work
Closet Organizers
Light Fixtures
Hardwood Floors
Final Inspection

Builder Design Center Selections

Upgrades is where the builder makes their margin.  I was allocated a $14,000 design center budget but really it is more like $10,000.  The design center is where you go to make your home selections such as color, flooring, electrical wiring, countertops, etc.  I was allowed two 4 hour appointments to make and finalize my choices.

The big ticket items are upgraded counter tops, sprinkler system, hardwood floors, tile floors.  I decided to not do hardwood floors at this time because the cost was $7000 for about 500 square feet.  The selection was not great.  I can save $2000-3000 hiring a contractor.

To stay within the budget, I went standard in the bathrooms except for upgraded tile to match the upgraded tile in the kitchen and foyer.  I allocated $1500 for electrical such as flatscreen prewire, surround sound, window security contacts, and additional LAN outlets.  Wiring is expensive but necessary since it is harder to do especially for two story homes after the dry wall is up.

Things I wish were standard are garage opener, backyard landscape, gutters on all sides.  In the end, I went about $500 over the budget which isn't bad.

Financing Your New Home

Whether or not you decide to go with your builder's lender or an outside lender, you will need to work with the lender to get pre-approved and provide a Pre-Approval Letter, Good Faith Estimate of Settlement, and Federal Truth in Lending Statement to the builder.

The lender will request the following information from you to start the process.

1 months paystubs
2 months bank/asset statements (all pages)
2 years tax returns (all pages)
2 years W-2s
Copy of your drivers license & social security card
Name/number of the insurance agent you want to use for home owners insurance (can be provided later)

These documents and your credit report will help determine how much you can borrow.  I recommend a 20% down payment to avoid having to pay private mortgage insurance monthly.

I would love to lock in the rate today but will not be able to do so until 30 days prior to closing.

11 June 2012

Water Softener Loop

You might never have of heard of ‘hard water' but the fact is, 80% of US homes have some level of water hardness.  Central Texas is no exception and is known for large limestone formations that contribute to hardness of water in some areas.  Hard water results from high levels of calcium and magnesium in the water supply.  It causes limescale build-up on faucets, shower heads, glass shower surrounds, tubs, water heaters and inside pipes. It eventually reduces water flow and, in extreme cases, puts water-using appliances out of service and clogs pipes.  Limescale has been known to increase energy bills up to 25% because of reduced efficiency of hot water heaters.

While studies show drinking hard water doesn't pose a safety issue, it can present problems that can be frustrating and costly for homeowners.  In laundry, hard water causes clothes to look dingy, dulls colors and gives whites a grey or yellow appearance.  Overtime, hard water can damage fabric fibers and shorten the life of clothes by up to 40%.  Washing dishes, glassware and silverware in hard water can cause spots and an unsightly cloudy coating - even more so when cleaned in dishwashers because the minerals from hard water are released faster when in contact with the heat.  Bathing in hard water leaves a film of sticky soap residue leaving skin dry and itchy. The residue left on washed hair can make it dull, dry and hard to manage.

Most new homes builders do not install water softeners as a standard feature but will often install water softener loops in the garage as an upgrade.  After you purchase and install a water softener, the only expense you incur is about $30 once every three or four months for salt pellets that takes the hardness out of water.

Once installed, the water softener services all inside water lines except the kitchen sink and refrigerator icemaker cold water line if you don't want to drink softened water. Your outside faucets are not part of the looped system simply because softened water is not recommended for watering plants, lawns, and gardens due to its sodium content.

Hard Water

First Time Home Buyer

Austin's economy is recovering and with it--the housing market.

Freddie Mac announced Thursday that this week marks the sixth consecutive week that average fixed mortgage loan interest rates have fallen to record-breaking levels.  The 15-year fixed mortgage loan interest rate averaged at 2.94 percent. The region's rapid growth has led Forbes to rank the Austin metropolitan area number one among all big cities for jobs for 2012 in their annual survey.  All good reasons to purchase my first home.

I set my initial budget at $200,000, found a real estate agent, and listed neighborhoods of interest.  Other preferences included one story, right swing garage, at least two bedrooms and two bath, newer than 1980, school district, and feng shui.  I started the initial search in February with the intent of not renewing my current lease which ends in September.

Leyla Naderi, from Private Label, and I met on a Saturday to drive around the different neighborhoods and look at homes for sale.  She is one of my good college friends' mom.  My two favorite locations were Mueller and Great Hills but prices were listed at $300,000 and above and not within my price point.  We looked at about 8 homes on the day but I only liked Parmer Village which is a new neighborhood under construction.

Over the next month, I continued to receive agent listings and I researched homes for sale on Zillow and Realtor.com.  I also found new construction homes by D.R. Horton, Scott Felder, and David Weekley.  When my family visited in March, we looked at different new homes and were impressed by Scott Felder.  A few weeks later, I went back with my agent and signed a contract.

Homes in the area were between $250,000 to $350,000.  I stretched the budget but I met most if not all my prefences and the bonus was highway accessibility.  New home constructions require more effort since you are customizing your home and inspecting the craftsmanship along the way.  I will walk you through the process.

10 June 2012

New Home Construction Inspection

During the construction process, the build will have both a third-party and city inspection during various stages.  Generally speaking, the third-party inspector will do a high-level inspection to check the home meets the minimum standards.  I strongly recommend hiring your own home inspector to protect your investment and provide an additional set of eyes.  The inspector will walk you through the home and explain what the builder is doing, why they are doing it, and things the builder are doing incorrectly or may have missed.  There are three recommended phases.

1. Foundation.  This is also called the footing inspection.  It is done prior to the pouring of the concrete which is the last opportunity to inspect beam and foundation depth, reinforcement, vapor barrier, plumbing penetrations, etc. before they are all buried.

2. Pre-Drywall.  The frame, also know as pre-cover inspection should be performed after all windows, plumbing rough-in, electrical rough-in, HVAC duct systems, etc. have been installed, but before insulation and interior wall finishes have been applied.  This inspection will focus primarily on structural components, plumbing and electrical rough-ins which will not be visible or accessible after the insulation and sheetrock is installed.

3. Final.  This is a full compliant inspection, which should be done a few days prior to closing, after appliances are installed and operational and most work crews have completed their work.

Your real estate agent or friends who have previously purchases homes can provide you recommendations on home inspectors.  Expect to pay $150-$200 each phase except for the final inspection.  That will depend on the size of the home.

08 June 2012

Buy a House with Good Feng Shui

Your surroundings such as location on a street, how the home is situated on the lot and how the home flows inside can have a significant impact on your life.  Feng Shui is a Chinese system of geomancy believed to use the laws of both Heaven (Chinese astronomy) and Earth to help one improve life by receiving positive qi (energy).   Here is a checklist of feng shui tips that create good energy.

1. Last House Number Digit.  A number 8 home will provide endless opportunities for wealth, health, advancement and happiness.  The number 9, being the greatest of single-digit numbers, was historically associated with the Emperor of China.  The Emperor’s robes often had nine dragons, and Chinese mythology held that the dragon has nine children.  Number 4 is considered very unlucky because it sounds like "death" in Chinese.

2. Front Door.  Do not obstruct the front door line of sight such as trees and light poles.  Avoid the door facing the front door of the house across the street or facing the fireplace inside your home.

3. Back Door.  The back door should not line up with the front door.  

4. Main Entry.  When you walk inside the home, the room should open up for energy to flow through.  Avoid long narrow entry ways into the living space.

5. Direction.  The front of the home should be facing North or South.  If the master bedroom directly faces the sunset, the room will be warmer in the evenings especially during those hot summer days.